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IMG 8388
Film Distribution Trainee Scheme

We’re delighted to partner with Media Cymru and Ffilm Cymru Wales for the first time, to support two Welsh trainees to participate in the Film Distributors’ Association’s (FDA) 9 month paid London based trainee scheme, gaining hands on experience in film distribution and international sales.

Exhibition and distribution are essential parts of the film chain. Understanding who the audience is and how to reach them. The scheme will support the aims our Made in Wales project, which celebrates films with Welsh connections.

Find the full course details from the FDA and Media Cymru below:

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WOW Sonita Screening Credit Tracey Paddison 7 800x450px
BFI FAN Places Fund – Evaluation Brief (Closed)
  • BFI FAN Places Fund – Evaluation Brief
  • Fee: The total sum for this work, inclusive of VAT and expenses is £20,000
  • Completion: Initial findings June 30th 2025, final draft September 2nd 2025 and fiinal report September 30th 2025
  • Location: Remote – work can be undertaken from across the UK.


The BFI FAN Places Fund is a pilot programme running from September 2024 – June 2025, designed to increase public engagement with independent cinema venues, using National Lottery funding to help them become more visible and accessible to their local communities. Film Hub Wales, Film Hub Midlands and Film Hub North have been selected to undertake this innovative marketing-led initiative across the UK.

Each Hub will work with a small number of sites in their respective region, focussing on areas of limited cultural provision and using a range of approaches. The project will aim to build awareness of the community role played by the venues, strengthening their ability to tell stories in effective and engaging ways.

An evaluation framework is required to assess the impact of the BFI FAN Places Fund activity. As a pilot project, we will need to establish a set of benchmarks, that can be monitored collectively across each region for the duration of the work. Systems should be designed and implemented in each area in order to gather qualitative feedback and quantitative data, exploring how successful the pilot has been, along with any recommendations for future delivery.

How to apply:

You are asked to submit a written proposal that includes:

  • Your approach to undertaking the research brief;
  • Details of the individual/s who will work on the project along with their CVs;
  • An outline of previous experience in this area of work and an example of this work;
  • Two references from previous/similar work;
  • A budget for this work specifying a breakdown of days and daily rates. Budgets must be inclusive of VAT and expenses.

Please send this information by email to

Closing deadline for proposals: 5pm, 23rd September

  • Short listing will be based on how well applicants meet the essential criteria listed in the position description. Please address each point in your proposal.
  • We will contact short-listed candidates to schedule interviews (date TBC). We will not be able to meet with individual candidates prior to interview.

Read the brief:

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