Gentle/Radical © Tracey Paddison

Frequently asked questions about Film Hub Wales:

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What is Film Hub Wales?

Film Hub Wales (FHW) celebrates cinema. We exist to support the organisations that screen film, from film festivals, to societies and mixed arts centres (exhibitors). We work with over 300 Welsh exhibitors to help them offer the best British and international films to public audiences across Wales.

We’re part of a UK wide network of eight hubs funded by the National Lottery via the British Film Institute (BFI) which form the Film Audience Network (FAN).

If your organisation screens films to a public audience, you could benefit from becoming a member of the Hub. We offer research, training courses, bursaries, funds, advice and more. Once you’ve joined as a member, you can even apply for financial support to develop your film audience.

We are also proud to have led on the UK Inclusive Cinema strategy on behalf of BFI FAN 2017-23.

How is Film Hub Wales connected to Chapter, Cardiff?

Each Hub has what’s called a ‘Film Hub Lead Organisation’ or FHLO. This is the lead applicant who applies to the BFI to run the Hub and where the Hub team is based. Chapter is one of Europe’s largest and most dynamic arts centres with cinemas, theatres, exhibition spaces, studios, a café, award-winning bars, over 60 cultural workspaces and more.

What geographical area does Film Hub Wales cover?

Film Hub Wales has identified and worked with over 300 sites across Wales. We aim to support Wales wide activity.

Where can I find out about equality and inclusion?

Film Hub Wales were proud to lead the Inclusive Cinema Strategy on behalf of BFI FAN, hosting Inclusion Project Manager, Toki Allison at Chapter from 2017-2023. Inclusive Cinema was a UK-wide project developed by the BFI Film Audience Network (FAN) designed to support screen exhibitors. You can still access hundreds of resources on the website. Contact us for additional support. We also operate according to Chapter’s Equal Opportunities Policy.

Does Film Hub Wales have a Welsh language policy?

We develop projects that celebrate the rich heritage of Welsh language and culture, offering a platform for Welsh talent. We operate according to Chapter’s Welsh language policy which seeks to:

  • Offer a service of equal standing to Welsh and English speakers,
  • Understand and acknowledge the bilingual nature of Wales,
  • Give a wider access to our activities,
  • Raise our Welsh profile and recognise ownership by Welsh speakers and non-Welsh speakers alike,
  • Strengthen our appeal both within and outside Wales,
  • Strengthen our ability to meet the requirements of funders and other partners,
  • Ensure conformity to the linguistic and cultural specifications in legislation and best practice guidance as approved by the Welsh Language Commissioner.

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How much money has Film Hub Wales been awarded?

Film Hub Wales has been awarded up to £286,000 per year (2023-26).

How is the £286k being used?

Funds cover grants for exhibitors to develop audiences for film and to participate in training. The Hub may also undertake audience research, curate film programmes or explore marketing initiatives. The plan is adjusted each year based on feedback from exhibitors. Part of the funding covers overheads including staffing and facilities costs. We also have a specific funding strand for a three year project called Spotlight. We are committed to a transparent use of support streams and details of all awards will be publicly available.

How will resources be distributed?

We operate an open call process. Future announcements on how and when these schemes will operate will be made available here and via our exhibitor mailing list.

How can I apply for funding from Film Hub Wales?

You must be an exhibitor and a member of Film Hub Wales to apply. You can read our guidelines here, which will tell you everything you need to know about how to fill an application form. If you wish to discuss your ideas before application stage, please get in touch.

We also offer funding for specific UK wide film programmes each year such as Powell and Pressburger in 2023. This has a separate application process.

I’m a filmmaker or distributor, how can Film Hub Wales help me?

While filmmakers / distributors are not able to join the Hub, we can promote their UK independent and international films to exhibitors. We do not work on the production or distribution of films, so cannot fund or offer advice on production or development queries such as financiers and sales. We cannot secure direct bookings in cinemas (this is at the discretion of the cinema). We can offer:

  • A feature in our online screening room for Hub members where they can preview film screeners,
  • Inclusion in our monthly newsletter (where relevant) and BFI FAN UK mailings (where relevant),
  • Promotion of booking offers at events or meetings such as our programme session where members discuss upcoming releases,
  • Connections to youth led programming groups Wales wide that can review films,

We also have a Made in Wales strategy which focusses specifically on films with Welsh connections.

What is Made in Wales?

MIW is a distinct project within FHW which works to celebrate films with Welsh connections. We work with distributors, filmmakers and partners such as Ffilm Cymru Wales, INTO Film and Creative Wales, to connect Welsh films to audiences. In addition to the services above, we also offer:

  • Welsh Film Preview Days enabling exhibitors to see films in advance, supporting programming and marketing discussions (subject to the film’s release date),
  • Made in Wales section on our website, where a catalogue of Welsh films are listed to help exhibitors find booking details,
  • Financial support to exhibitors to help promote Welsh-made, Welsh language and archive film,
  • Access to the support of our Made in Wales Officer who can advise on release approaches in Wales. Our Officer also works on around 10 releases per year to create added value assets.

If you are making, or have made a film with Welsh connections and would like us to promote it to our members, please fill in the Made in Wales form.

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Who are the contacts within Film Hub Wales? Who makes the decisions?

Who makes the decisions?

Applications are assessed by the team (Film Hub Wales Strategic Manager and Development Officer), with support from the Advisory Group where needed. Any decisions made will be final. The Advisory Group represents the interests of the Film Hub Wales membership and engages stakeholders in Hub development. The Advisory Group will provide oversight, monitoring and make appropriate recommendations to the Film Hub Wales Sub-Committee or Chapter Board (as appropriate).

Will there be any new vacancies at Film Hub Wales?

Any new opportunities will be posted here on our website.

How can I apply to join the Film Hub Wales Advisory Group?

The Advisory Group is in place for the current year but any new opportunities will be posted  will be posted here on our website or a call will be placed amongst the membership.

The current Film Hub Wales Advisory Group are:

  • Kate Long, General Manager of Memo Arts Centre (Chair)
  • Nia Edwards-Behi, National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales and Co Director of Abertoir Film Festival
  • Laura Taylor-Williams, Head of Digital, Aardman
  • Hannah Prior, Artistic Director of Arts Alive
  • Paul Howe, Chief Executive and Theatre Manager

Advisory Group members are from a range of organisations to ensure broad representation of the Welsh film exhibition sector. This includes: mixed arts venues, single screen cinemas, commercial operators, multi-venue cinemas, film festivals, multi-screen cinemas, organisations based outside of Cardiff, film clubs and societies, community-led organisations and event-based/pop up operators. We want to ensure a range of roles are represented, including programming, publicity, operation, education, event production and audience development.

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Why do I need to become a Hub member?

In order to apply for lottery funds and take part in any of the Film Hub Wales schemes, you will need to be a Film Hub Wales member. This gives us an important understanding of who your organisation is and how we can help you.

What do I need to do to become a Hub member?

Please read our membership guidelines and complete a membership application form.

How much does membership cost?

Membership is free. All that is required is a commitment to Film Hub Wales’ aims and objectives.

What benefits are there to becoming a Hub member?

Membership will enable you to:

  • Apply for funds,
  • Attend training courses,
  • Receive one-to-one advice,
  • Access exhibitor mailings (such as newsletters, project opportunities),
  • Make connections with Welsh cinemas and festivals.

Is there criteria for Hub membership?

Organisations must be formally constituted (e.g. as a community interest company or limited liability company registered at Companies House; a charity or trust registered with the Charity Commission; a Local Authority or statutory body; or a voluntary group with a written constitution and bank account). Member organisations may include:

  • Cinemas (independent and local/national circuits),
  • Mixed arts venues,
  • Volunteer-run film societies and community cinemas,
  • Touring cinemas and community screen networks,
  • Film festivals,
  • Screen archives,
  • Regular pop-up film events,
  • Academic institutions,
  • Museums and galleries,
  • Local authority departments and agencies,
  • Local and regional development agencies,
  • Community groups and leisure providers

Please read our membership overview for full details.

Is there a limit to how many Hub members there can be?

There is no limit. FHW welcomes new members year-round.

Where can I find out about exhibitors in Wales?

Please see our Hub member list or map here.

Can I be a Hub member of two different regions?

You may be a member of more than one Hub region. Applications for support should be to the Hub region where your main audience-facing work takes place. Please contact us to discuss your particular circumstances.

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What is the British Film Institute (BFI)?

The BFI is a cultural charity, a National Lottery distributor, and the UK’s lead organisation for film and the moving image. Their mission is:

  • To support creativity and actively seek out the next generation of UK storytellers
  • To grow and care for the BFI National Archive, the world’s largest film and television archive
  • To offer the widest range of UK and international moving image culture through our programmes and festivals – delivered online and in venue
  • To use our knowledge to educate and deepen public appreciation and understanding
  • To work with Government and industry to ensure the continued growth of the UK’s screen industries

Founded in 1933, the BFI is a registered charity governed by Royal Charter.

The BFI Board of Governors is chaired by Tim Richards.

What is the BFI Film Audience Network (FAN)?

Supported by National Lottery funding, the BFI Film Audience Network (FAN), is central to the BFI’s aim to ensure the greatest choice of film is available for everyone. Established in 2012 to build wider and more diverse UK cinema audiences for British and international film, FAN is a unique, UK-wide collaboration made up of eight Hubs managed by leading film organisations and venues strategically placed around the country. FAN also supports talent development with BFI NETWORK Talent Executives in each of the English Hubs, with a mission to discover and support talented writers, directors and producers at the start of their careers.

BFI FAN Film Hubs are:

  • Film Hub Midlands is led by Broadway, Nottingham working in partnership with the Birmingham-based Flatpack
  • Film Hub North is led collectively by Showroom Workstation, Sheffield and HOME Manchester
  • Film Hub South East is led by the Independent Cinema Office
  • Film Hub South West is led by Watershed in Bristol
  • Film Hub Scotland is led by Glasgow Film Theatre
  • Film Hub Northern Ireland is led by Queen’s University Belfast
  • Film Hub Wales is led by Chapter in Cardiff
  • Film Hub London is led by Film London

What is the BFI definition of specialised film?

The BFI’s definition of ‘specialised film’ relates to those films that do not sit easily within a mainstream and highly commercial genre such as:

  • Foreign language films with subtitles.
  • Documentaries.
  • Archive / Classic films.
  • Artists Film / Experimental.
  • Short Film Programmes.
  • Other Criteria such as unusual or undefinable genres; complex and challenging subject matter; innovative or unconventional storytelling/narrative structure. Films with stories and subjects relating to diversity (for example Black, Asian and minority ethnic people; disability; LGBT+) may also be classified as ‘specialised’.
  • British films in receipt of a ‘Certificate of a British Film’ under the terms of Schedule 1 of the Films Act 1985 as amended i.e. films that pass the UK’s Cultural Test.

What is Screen Culture 2023?

The BFI National Lottery Strategy 2023-2033 sets out what the BFI want to achieve as a distributor of funding over this period. More information here.

What is the BFI National Lottery Audience Projects Fund?

The fund supports ambitious, audience-facing independent UK and international film and broader screen activity of national scale. If your project is local to your organisation, you should apply to your regional Hub. More information here.

What is BFI Academy Plus?

BFI Academy Plus delivers activities for aspiring young filmmakers, audiences including events, masterclasses and bursaries for 16-25 year olds to learn more about the film industry, to watch cultural cinema in their local venues and to develop skills as filmmakers and curators.

What is the BFI Network Scheme?

The BFI NETWORK is a UK-wide talent development programme for new and emerging film writers, directors and producers. Devised by the BFI and delivered by its national partners – Ffilm Cymru Wales, Creative Scotland, Northern Ireland Screen and Film Hubs in the English regions – the BFI NETWORK is committed to discovering the next generation of British filmmaking talent. More information here.


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Can Film Hub Wales help me with screenings at Chapter?

We do not programme the cinema here at Chapter. If you’re interested in screening your film or want to hire the space, please contact Chapter directly.

Where can I hire pop-up kit from?

Cinema for All run an Equipment Hire Scheme in Wales, designed to help members who need to hire kit for pop up screenings, at low prices.

Can I book a film directly from Film Hub Wales?
We do not make films or hold the rights to any films. Our catalogue of Welsh films is searchable, to enable exhibitors to find the right individual rights holder and make programming easier. You will find the contacts details for the rights-holder on the individual film listing.

Where else can I find funding in Wales?
See our funding resource page for a list of relevant funds.

Where can I find out about other film organisations in Wales?
Please see ‘Screen Organisations in Wales’ on the About Us page.

Where can I access exhibition training?
We offer a range of training events each year, in person and online, such as our Welsh film preview days and D/deaf cinema training with the Wales Council for Deaf People. We promote events in our monthly newsletter. You can also find examples of wider courses in our Training Inspiration section here or in our Resource section here. We can fund the costs of training through our bursary scheme. There are also UK wide training schemes across FAN which we will promote through our mailings.

Who are the main press contacts in Wales?
We have a Wales press list on our website here, along with tips on how to write a press release.

How can I find out about filming locations in Wales?
This is not in our remit but have a look at the Wales Screen website for information.

How can I get my film funded?
We don’t work on film development or production, which means we aren’t best placed to offer advice on film funding. Have a look at Ffilm Cymru Wales for more information.

I’m a young filmmaker, how do I get into the film industry?
Firstly, have a look at our careers resource to see what jobs you’re interested in. If you would like to work in production and development, you might like to have a look at schemes such It’s my Shout, or your nearest BFI Film Academy to get some hands on experience. There is also BFI Film Academy Plus for that next level before going on to BFI Network, which supports new talent to make short films. There are various courses or apprenticeship schemes from Cult Cymru, Screen Skills and Screen Alliance Wales. If you’re interested in exhibition, perhaps you have an Into Film club at your school that you could join? Consider volunteering for your local cinema or film festival – you can find a map on our website here. Some cinemas also run young programme schemes that help you learn how to book and market films. There various film courses such as the University of South Wales’ and schemes such as ICO FEDS which support new entrants.

Where can I find short films?
We have created a resource on our website here which tells you how to source short films for programming.
