The story of art collector and philanthropist, Richard Glynn Vivian’s life.
Part of a three part project with the Saturday Family Workshop group, which also includes a comic and a computer game. Richard Glynn Vivian was the fourth and youngest son of industrialist John Henry Vivian. He enjoyed a happy childhood growing up in Swansea, and later graduated from Cambridge University as a M.A. In February 1855, when he was nineteen years old, his father died, and he inherited a quarter of the family copper business, Vivian & Sons. However, he chose not to follow his brothers into the family business, and instead chose to travel the world and pursue his love of art. While travelling the world he collected a large art collection and met a variety of people. In 1898 he bought Sketty Hall, Swansea, to house his vast art collection, and also began improving the house and its grounds. In 1905 he offered his collection of paintings, drawings and china to Swansea Corporation, who with his endowment built the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery. Richard laid the foundation stone on 14 May 1909. The Gallery was opened in July 1911, but sadly Glynn Vivian did not live to take part in the ceremony, which was performed by his brother Graham.
Genre: Short, Animation
Welsh Connections
Written and Directed by members of the Glynn Vivian Saturday Family workshop (2013/14) with support from artist Alun Merill
Technical Details
Length: 9 minutes 44 seconds
Language: English
Format: Check with rights holder
Cert: U
Date: April 2014
Rights : Glynn Vivian Art Gallery