Set in a Welsh comprehensive school during the long hot summer of 1976, keen drama teacher Vivienne fights sweltering heat and general teenage apathy to put on a rock and roll musical version of Shakespeare’s The Tempest of which David Bowie would be proud. To engage her students, she uses hits of the time, performed by a fresh young cast led by Davey.
Minnie Driver is charming in this fun musical drama set during the long hot summer of ’76, celebrating the growing pains of teenagers during their final school term. Selected for the London Film Festival and SXSW.
Director: Marc Evans
Filming location: Swansea
Set in: Swansea
Supported by: Ffilm Cymru Wales
Writer: Laurence Coriat (screenplay)
Stars: Minnie Driver, Kristian Gwilliam, Adam Byard
Production Company: Eyepatch
Length: 110 minutes
Certificate: 15
Festivals: London Film Festival, SXSW
Format: DVD, DCP, VOD
Date: 20th January 2012, Available now on VOD (Amazon Prime, YouTube, iTunes)
Driver delivers a characteristic combination of savvy and likability and the period and sun-dappled photography are nicely handled. – Time Out