

Heartstrings is a 2009 British animated short film directed by Rhiannon Evans at the University of Wales in Newport. It tells us the story of two stop-motion figures made from string, who fall in love; their love is represented by a red string that connects them at the heart.

The film was made on a budget of £500 and took around four months to complete. In 2010 it was included on the Best of British Animation Awards Vol. 8 DVD.

Welsh Connections

Director/Writer: Rhiannon Evans

Production Details

Music: Gareth Bonello

Technical Details

Length: 3 minutes
Format: MOV/MP4 (Vimeo)
Language: N/A
Certificate: Unknown


Date: 2009


See list 


Rhiannon Evans website 

Rights: Rhiannon Evans 
Contact: Contact Rhiannon via her website
